

Frozen Embryo Transfer THURSDAY!!

Somebody pinch me because I must be dreaming. We are scheduled for our transfer this Thursday June 4th.

Our ultrasound and bloodwork from Friday came back great! My lining is supposed to be between 6-8mm and mine was 15! The doctor said I don’t get extra credit but I’m going to pretend that’s a good sign!

We started the Progesterone in Oil shots yesterday and some other meds as well. The PIO shots have to be done in my, how do I word this….Gluteal Region? Lol

The shots really weren’t that bad. I had an ice pack ready to prep for the shot and a heating pad for after. It was definitely what I was most nervous about because the needle is 1.5 inches long. I’m getting the hang of it though, thanks to Eric. I will have to do the progesterone shots for the upcoming weeks.

Other than that, I’m taking it day by day. Praying and hoping for a successful transfer.

I’ll do another post after the transfer to let you guys know how it went. We will have to endure the infamous 2 WEEK WAIT after the transfer to find out if we are pregnant. Although, I will probably try and test early 😅🤣

Thanks for following along with us. The more prayers, the better!

Love, Jess

Eric took me out for some sushi last night since it may be a while before I can have some again! #fingerscrossed

10 things I have learned from being a mom

Sometimes I try to remember what my life was like before I became a mom.

Eric and I often talk about what we did with all of our time. LOL. We gave more attention to our dogs. We saw more movies in theatres. We went to sleep and woke up whenever we wanted.

Honestly, we had a lot more time to ourselves.

While all of that sounds like fun now, we dreamed and prayed about when it would be our turn to be parents and have a little one of our own.

When we finally got pregnant, it was one of the best days of our lives. In the coming months I started creating lists of things that I would need to prepare. What should we buy for our future baby? What room would we use as the bedroom? Omg let’s buy the cute little baby shoes!

When she was born, it was the BEST day of our life. At the same time, I had noooooooo idea what I was in for. There was so much to learn and so much to practice. I am STILL learning today and I will be for the rest of my life BUT I wanted to put together a list of things that I have learned thus far.

So, here we go:

  1. Baby shoes are pointless
    • There is literally no use for them. Cute as they may be, babies don’t need shoes. Now, socks, I can get on board with. Brynn actually didn’t need a real pair of shoes until she was walking.
  2. You don’t need all the clothes
    • Especially when your baby is young, you really don’t need 20 pairs of clothes in each size. In my experience, Brynn grew so fast that we couldn’t get her in all of her clothes quick enough (Thank you Mom and Cheryl, we still appreciate it, she needs 3T, just saying LOL)
  3. Fed is best
    • I put soooooooo much pressure on myself to breastfeed. Before I got pregnant, I told myself I was going to breastfeed until she was 1. That was NOT the case. AND it caused me to put a lot of stress on myself for no reason at all. Breastmilk or formula, it doesn’t matter. So long as your baby is being fed.
  4. Have a sleep schedule
    • For us, we put Brynn on a sleep schedule the minute we got home. We didn’t really plan it that way either. I guess my subconscious realized that I thrive on a schedule so we kind of just naturally put one into place. We would give her a bath at 6pm, then pajamas, books and bed by 7pm. Obviously, she wouldn’t sleep through the night right away but we would never stray from that schedule. I believe that sticking to that nighttime routine significantly helped us. She has been sleeping through the night from 7pm to 7am since she was 1 month old (until recently, hello toddler nightmares).
  5. Mac and Cheese is completely fine
    • There are some days that Brynn will only eat mac and cheese. Literally. Mac and cheese with hot dogs. For the longest time I would beat myself up about making sure she eats all the food groups. I have even gone so far as to make the veggie pasta, fresh shredded cheese, seasonings, voila! But in the end, it really doesn’t matter what she eats! She will eat when she’s ready.
  6. Invest in those disposable placemats
  7. Make some time for yourself
    • Set aside an hour in the morning or an hour in the afternoon for whatever makes you happy. Whether that be working out, reading a book, personal development, bible study, a hot bath, watching that episode you’ve been holding off on, etc. It is crucial to your sanity. Trust me.
  8. There is no one right way to be a mom
    • This one speaks for itself. You can listen to all the advice you will be getting, and as a new mom it’s often information overload, BUT you don’t have to actually apply that advice to your own life. Just because something has worked for another mom, doesn’t mean that it will feel right for you. Do what works for you!
  9. Use figurines for your bath toys, not those squeaky ones with the holes
  10. Enjoy those little moments, even the loud and crying ones
    • Yes, you read that right. I often look back on the days where Brynn wouldn’t stop crying no matter what I did (I literally sat in the bathroom one time with the blow dryer on as white noise). While in the moment it seemed so stressful and tiring, I often wish I could relive that again. Childhood is fleeting. One day I’m going to wake up and she will be going off to college. Cherish every day you have.

I’m sure I’ll be able to create another list as Brynn continues to grow and hopefully (God-willing) from our next baby.

Let me know if any of these tips helped you in the comments! I love to know who is reading my blog!

Until next time,

Jess <3

We made lemon poppy muffins this week. She ate the glaze off the top and gave me the rest. Thanks Brynn lol

Infertility/Life Update!

Hiiiiiii guys!

It always seems so long since my last blog post. When I say that life gets in the way sometimes, I truly mean it.

When brainstorming ideas for things to write about, I often try to talk about different beauty products that resonate with me. While I do have many products I would love to (and WILL) talk about, there’s been something that’s been heavy on my mind that I just want to get off my chest.

Maybe if I finally talk about it, it won’t feel like such a big secret i’m ashamed about.

As many of you may or may not know, Brynn is what I like to call our “clomid baby”. Eric and I tried for 23 months to get pregnant with our little Brynnster.

After about 20 months of trying, I realized that it may be time to go see a doctor. First, we made sure Eric came back all clear, and then I made my appointment with the gynecologist.

After speaking with the doctor and getting blood test results back, come to find out I have PCOS and insulin resistance and apparently this was the cause of us not conceiving.

PCOS basically causes an imbalance with my hormone levels. The doctor didn’t seem worried though, he prescribed me Metformin for my insuslin resistance and a fertility drug called Clomid. The Clomid promotes ovulation so you take it usually day 3-7 of your cycle and then during ovulation your follicles are big enough to release a good egg!

We did 2 cycles of Clomid and VOILA we were magically pregnant with Brynn.

Fast forward 3 years later and we are back at square one.

Eric and I have been trying for 13 months now to give Brynn a sibling. I know right, instead of saying “have a baby” I put so much pressure on myself for not giving Brynn a friend to play and be with. I see the way she is around other kids and I hate to say that I blame myself for taking away that joy from her.

This time around I have thyroid issues and still the PCOS and insulin resistance. We have done numerous blood tests both Eric and I. We are seeing a fertility specialist so things are looking up I guess! We have already done 2 rounds of Clomid with no success yet.

We have decided with our doctor, that we are going to try to do an IUI first and then if that doesn’t work out we will try IVF.

PHEW! Can’t believe I have written all of this here. Feels strange to put my heart and soul on the line for the public to see but at least its honest and real!

Next time someone asks “when are you going to have another baby?”, i’ll just direct them to my blog for some light casual reading! HA! lol

Eric and I are so thankful for all our friends and family that have been so supportive through all of this.

For now, we will keep praying and praying for a miracle like our precious Brynnster!

Thanks for reading!

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