Embryos Update!

Hi everyone! Posting a quick update here again!

Out of our 12 fertilized eggs, we have 4 embryos that made it to the blastocyst stage! This means that we have 4 that can be sent off for genetic testing!

We are so thankful that 4 of them have made it this far. We are just praying so hard we get some more good news from the genetic testing.

Of course the best case scenario would be that all 4 come back completely normal so please pray for the best!

Last week I had some mild OHSS symptoms but they finally subsided by Friday! Like I said in my last post, I didn’t realize how bad the bloating was going to be but I’m much better now! Taking everything day by day!

The genetic testing takes about 7-10 days so expect another update around that time. Until then, I hope you guys are all staying safe and healthy out there!

Love, Jess

Enjoying some fresh air outside amidst this quarantine!



  1. That’s wonderful news Jessica. Praying for the next testing all is well.

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