And the verdict is……….

I can’t believe I actually get to type these words!!!! WE ARE PREGNANT!

654 days since we started trying again, we got a positive test!!

Today is day 14 since our frozen embryo transfer, so I went for my bloodwork appointment this morning. Everything was so quick and easy, was in and out in about 15 minutes.

My doctor called me at about 11:15am and said that the bloodwork came back POSITIVE and that my hcg level is at 53.

He said anything greater than 5 is a good start. We have another appointment on Monday to confirm that the numbers are doubling.

He also said I’m supposed to stay on the PIO injections, the estrogen and prometrium! So we will see if and when I get to stop taking those!

We still have some more hoops to jump through to make sure that baby boy is in there for the long haul BUT we are going to continue doing our best to live in the moment and just be so happy and excited about TODAY!

This is truly a miracle and I am so honored and happy that God has given us this little blessing. Even if it was with a little bit of science 😉

Thank you guys so much for the kind messages we have received the past couple weeks.

We are over the moon excited!! EEEEEEK!

Hopefully another update SOON!

Love, Jess



  1. That’s awesome!!!! So excited for you Jessica and Eric!! I’ll continue to pray for you all!🙏❤️

  2. Jessica!!!! So very happy for y’all! Will continue to pray for your sweet little one❤️❤️❤️

  3. Jessica and Eric, Brynn congratulations so excited for you! Will keep praying! Love you all!

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